Posted by Rebecca OgunmolaOur media product uses many codes and conventions of real media products, I have selection nine key frames from my documentary to convey how my product uses, develops and challenges forms and conventions of real media.
1: This is a medium close up shot of a sign of a priest’s door, this is a clear example of how we chose to introduce our interviewees as well as us having the voice introducing him, as it clearly denotes who he is and where to find him.
2: My second screen grab is of the title of my documentary, its eye catching and at the same time comical in the sense that the teens are not actually babies, but yet are so young to be having children, and are seen as babies to society.
3: Cutaways are used in every documentary, they are used to keep the audience engaged and at the same time relate it to the subject matter. The third screen grab is of an high angle cutaway shot, we got this idea from another documentary on BBC about single parents, from our understanding this shot was used to make the viewers aware of the location, which we also wanted to do for ours.
4: The 4th shot is one example of editing used throughout the documentary; this is used as a way of capturing the attention of the audience by giving them something other than the views of our interviewees and the voice over and at the same time feed them with facts.
5: This screen shot shows props used by a teenage mother and her child, this is used to convey young mothers in a positive light, as she stated how becoming pregnant has changed her in a positive way we are able to see that reflected through this scene.
6: Mise-en-scene such as costume is used in this scene of the pregnant teen in her school uniform, the use of this element is important in setting the right tone and image of the documentary, as this clearly connotes her as being underage. It also introduces the interviewee to the audience from our research of documentaries we had noticed many using graphics to introduce their interviewees which allows the audience to understand why we have chosen the speaker. We gave the name of the speaker which was in bold, we did this so it is clear to the audience and their title.
7: This shot demonstrates the topic of the documentary, as we can clearly see she is a pregnant teen, this documentary like many is a re-presentation of reality issues. As it informs and educate on issues surrounding the world we live in. this also challenges conventions of a documentary as it doesn’t persuade the audience to have a particular view but allows them to decide for themselves.
8: This is a shot of the special effects used such as text used as another way of conveying a message to the audience in an easier, quicker and effective way. We decided to use this as we didn't want to bore our audience with only information from the voice over and also we wanted important information to stick in their minds, so the use of the graphics were very effective.
9: This image represents the location in which the documentary is taking place. As the documentary refers to Romford and the area around it, like most documentaries they are usually filmed in the actually location which give it a sense of realism.
Evaulation Two: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
Posted by Rebecca Ogunmola
We showed our documentary to four random individuals to get their thoughts on how they thought our ideas and conventions used were the same to documentaries they have seen, what they liked about our documentary and what they thought needed improvement.
From the audience feedback I was able to gain an understanding of what my strengths, weaknesses and about the clear connotations that is involved within the documentary. The fact that our documentary wasn’t biased and dealt with issues faced in society today seemed to be a highlight within the production as one of the viewers quoted ‘its not too perjudgice so people would want to watch it.' which is strength as we are able to target a wide range of audience. I received constructive criticism on what needed improvement such as the cutaways, it was suggested that more cutaways relating to the interviewees were needed, so the views can have a brighter incite to the life of the pregnant teen. The interviews used were also one of the strengths as we had different variety of people that represented society and their views on the topic were equally important.
The use of our voice over was specifically enjoyed, as it was a clear generic convention used like one of a professional documentary, the voice over was clear, well spoken and engaging for the audience to be intact with the message being delivered. The title of our documentary was also brought to the attention of the audience as what we were trying to convey to the audience was clear to them, one stated how they ‘literally are babies’.
In conclusion the audience feedback showed us what needed improving and how we have used our knowledge about documentary codes and conventions and used it effectively, as we have made our documentary close to many other documentaries. They all seemed to really enjoy our product and seemed to what to have more knowledge on the subject matter, though our documentary could do with a lot of improvements i feel that it went well as the audience understood our aim.
Evaluation Four:How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
Posted by Rebecca OgunmolaFor me to achieve the required standard of my product, i had to use numerous mediums to construct, plan, research and to help with my evaluation. Each medium list below have been very vital in the coming together of my product as a whole.
Soundcloud: soundcloud is a site where people such a music artists are able to upload their audio films which allows them to distribute it on many platforms. Soundcloud was extremely vita to the construction of my ancillary task as I was able to upload the audio for my radio trailer on there, without this I wouldn’t have been able to embed it onto my blog.
Youtube : Youtube allowed me to upload the videos i had created for my evaluations and main production. Youtube is a very popular site we believe it was a quick and easy way to gain audience.
Bubbl.us: i used this software to create the brainstorm of our product, which consisted of what we hoped to achieve, the interviewees, cutaways the generic conventions and all the technical elements we would use.
Photoshop: photoshop was very useful to me as i was able to create our storyboard and my newspaper advertisement, even though it was new to me i was able to grasp how to use it quit quickly, for my newspaper advertisement it helped me to convey a visual message to the audience.
Blogger: blogger is a blog publishing service where people can advertists and make aware of their work, this blogging site has help with all areas of my coursework, as i was able to use it to arrange all my research, planning and with my evaluation.
Photobucket: photobucket is a slide show creating website; i have used this several times with planning and with my evaluation as a different way of presenting my work.
Imovie: this is software where people can create their own movies; i used this when we had completed our documentary.
Final Cut Pro: final cut was very useful as it allowed me to composs my radio trailier and evaluation, as it was my first time i was still able to quickly pick up how to use it efficiently, with the aid of final cut i was able to gain skills of editing pieces and putting them together
Scribd: scribd is a document sharing website where people can upload documents of various formats, i used this many times to upload my work for each stage within my coursework where i thought it was necessary, as its layout looked well presented, i thought it was a good way of constructing my work.
Evaluation Four Part two: How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
Posted by Rebecca OgunmolaTripod: The use of a tripod is very essential as when filming there needs to be a stable/steady balance and also helpful in achieving precise framing of the image or when more than one image is being made of the same scene.
PD170 Video camera: The PD170 has good sound quality and also produces high definition standard. As the camera person i was the person who had control over every piece that was produced, i used this equipment to film all our interviewees which was important because i had to film each frame correctly, i also used it to film the cutaways and for the evaluation the audience feedback.
Headphones:Headphones are needed to pick up the sound within the scenes but with more detail than what the video camera picks up.
Paglight: Paglight is used to brighten the surrounding in when a scene is too dark.
XLR Cable: XLR plugs and sockets are used mostly in professional audio and video electronics cabling applications, we used this for microphones and line level signals.
Mac: I used the mac computer throughput the whole process of my coursework it allow me to access final cut, and various other software that a normal PC wouldn't be able to do.
In conclusion all mediums used have been numerously effective as thorough every stage i have needed to use them, and it has allowed me to gain knowledge and skills which i lacked before the start of this coursework.